Support Us

Cochav Hatzafon non-profit organization calls upon you to be partners with us and contribute to the continuous work towards a more egalitarian, tolerant and better society.
Every donation is welcome, helping us in our work and will be dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities living in the northern periphery communities.
Rounding up (Igul Letova)
Join Igul Letova and with every transaction you make on your credit card, your bill will be rounded up to the nearest sheqels, and the change will go directly to our activities
For Example:
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Bank transfer
Amutat Cochav Hatzafon
The First International Bank of Israel, Branch 120, Account no. 131776
Branch address: Mercaz Mishari, Kfar Vradim
IBAN number: IL730311200000000131776
- to be made out to Cochav Hatzafon Association
Address: Ma'arag | 1a Meron St. | Kfar Vradim | P.O.B. 1210 | Zip code 2514700 

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Donations can be made to us through the following channels:
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Donations through PEF or UIA
Please contact us for specific details at
  cochav hatzafon  Association | Registered association​ 580409761 |
Ma'arag 1 Meron St., Kfar Vradim, PO Box 1210, Zip code 2514700
  Tel: 04.9570129 | Fax: 04.6383156 |  Email: